The Board
Lenard Mulqueen............................President
Ann Albertson..................................Vice President, Newsletter
John Logerfo.....................................Technical Director
Laura Mulqueen.............................. Corresponding Secretary
Cheryl Mulqueen Constantine.......Corresponding Secretary
Carmine DeStefano.........................Sergeant-at-Arms
Douglas Pascarella.......................... Treasurer
Carmine DeStefano
Lenard Mulqueen
Gaspar Procida
Gene Sengstacken
Audrey Tallman
Joanne DelPrete
Lenard Mulqueen (516) 935-2674
Ann Albertson (516) 933-1795
Central Park Historical Society
The CPHS was founded in 1986, at the suggestion of a committee which assembled to
commemorate the 50th anniversary of the name change from Central Park to Bethpage.
A provisional charter was granted by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York
on February 16, 1990 to the Central Park Historical Society.
The purpose of the Central Park Historical society is to promote and encourage historical research, to disseminate and encourage a greater knowledge and interest in the state of New York, particularly Bethpage and the surrounding area.
Geography forces the town's blueprint
With the Grumman Corporation on the west side of town preventing expansion westward, and with the Bethpage State Park on the east side preventing eastward expansion, Bethpage could develop without overdeveloping while still keeping its small town charm. Today it remains a quaint, tight-knit community filled with pride.